Daily Prayers
Hameetman Club Room 1 in the basement of Red Door Cafe is available for members to pray in on-campus. A jama'a is held for all mandatory prayers. The iqama schedule is maintained in a WhatsApp group.

Friday Prayers (Salatul Jumu'ah)
We have Friday prayers on campus every week, led by one of our members. As a last resort, members may try to provide rides to Masjid Al-Taqwa to those who need them, though this has not been necessary in the last few years. The details are worked out each week through the mailing list (see "Contact" Page). An email is sent out to confirm the status of on-campus Friday Prayers each week.
Taraweeh Prayers
During Ramadan, carpooling to Masjid Qurtubah for iftar and taraweeh prayers is coordinated between members. Masjid Qurtubah is home to a vibrant Muslim community which organizes quality programs which have been both socially and spiritually fulfilling.

Social Activities
Being a small MSA, we arrange social activities through email and Discord so that we can fix a date and an activity through consensus. Past events to note include hosting Imam Jihad Saafir for a talk titled, "The Scientific Muslim: A Review of Islam's Contributions to Science over the Years" (Spring 2018), a hike and lunch meet-up with the Claremont Colleges MSA (Spring 2019), and collaborative halaqas (religious gatherings for discussion and learning) with CSU Long Beach, UC Irvine, Mt. Sac, and UCSB MSAs (Winter 2021).

The MSA serves as a way for Muslim students to contribute to the greater Caltech and Pasadena community. Past events include reaching out to K-12 students through local mosques for STEM activities, hosting a fundraiser (in collaboration with other SoCal MSAs) to bring awareness to the Uyghur Genocide in China and support the Uyghur Human Rights Project, and setting up a campus-wide Eid celebration.